Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Pregnancy

No Epidural Birth Story

No Epidural Birth Story

We filmed our birth story for our second baby, Remy. Although some elements were similar to my first birth (I didn’t have an epidural, I had a doula and an amazing doctor on my birth team) there were some differences.…

Best Third Trimester Maternity Leggings

Best Third Trimester Maternity Leggings

So you’ve made it to the third trimester. Congratulations! Your main goal now is to stay healthy and comfortable until your little one decides to make an entrance. Comfortable and third trimester aren’t typically words that go along together but…

The Best Pregnancy Sandals

The Best Pregnancy Sandals

Any way you look at it, pregnancy is an adventure for your mind, body and spirit. One physical feature that often takes a beating during pregnancy is the expectant mother’s feet. In my first pregnancy I was fortunate enough not…